I just ordered a battery pack for a trimble ACU, 57?ÿ there were four stacked batteries, if this is the same then you might try ordering a replacement, (only difference that I could tell was that, I do not think they have a heat sensor in there)?ÿ "protection circuit"?ÿ you can get those for cheap and just splice it in there if that is a concern.?ÿ
?ÿI tried to find batteries, most did not have the required Mah, 4.8 volts 1000 Mah,?ÿ very small storage area, it only fits in there one way, I did find the original battery but they wanted 10 to 12 usd per battery, so I found a place in HK, that sells the battery oem, for 39 plus shipping,?ÿ https://kargo-tech.com/back-up-battery-replacement-for-trimble-acu-p-3878.html?zenid=95b746913552011fb4277679f59bd81e?ÿ
@reelstuff put insulation on the top of batteries ... if they touch the metal plate - the end. And there is "technical memo" from geotronics that says it happend 🙂 So be sure to add insulation over batteries.
@robots?ÿ ?ÿ Good point with the insulation of batteries.
How is your development of the tool for memory backup going?
I haven't seen a box of knowledge in a long time. It was a big deal for a season or so. There was a steering wheel contraption that allowed it to be hooked up to a GPS unit without losing power. So you clamped it onto the robot then released it and put it into the steering wheel thingy. Meantime you had a number of heavy radios and batteries to carry around. Good times, each setup took 15 minutes or so.?ÿ
@hvac I need the firmware for a 5603. Would appreciate to have it My email is knsurveyors@gmail.com..many thanks
@reelstuff?ÿ ?ÿWhen replacing batteries the chip that selects which battery to use need to be operational.
I guess that means that the station need to be powered up??ÿ Or does the battery switch chip draw power from batteries too? (unlikely?)
@bugg?ÿ I have three units, two are the 600 ATS and one is a 5603, one of the ATS units, operates, shoots, but has a nag screen, (that interrupts, operations) so you can't actually use the unit, (I changed the batteries) they are new, but the nag screen, (your batteries are expired) I think that is the only one that has any firmware, but so far, all my attempts to get a valid capture have failed.?ÿ (used the pencil trick, got all the way up to the command prompt,)?ÿ the ??ÿ command, on two of the three, yields a buffer empty, (which could mean the firmware is gone) or it could mean that I am making some kind of mistake with the capture software, I am hoping that the third one still has the firmware, because all the boards are the same, same series of boards, of course the data is different.?ÿ ?ÿI have not had time yet to try out the python software, been working on some MS 990 receivers, so a bit behind...
@reelstuff?ÿ ?ÿOk!?ÿ Thanks for the info.?ÿ I haven??t tried the Python yet either. I am not familiar with it but have downloaded the software and also the serial extension. Will tinker with it but need to make a serial cable to communicate with the 5603 first.?ÿ ?ÿ
On second thought I think the battery switch circuit need to function with backup battery only, otherwise it would fail to do the switch if the station is not used for a long while.
@bugg battery switch is this: https://datasheets.maximintegrated.com/en/ds/DS1212.pdf have fun 🙂
@bugg?ÿ sorry I missed the original question,?ÿ Yes, I believe the station should be powered, at least in my tests, the only time I get a response from the unit is when it is first powered on by CU, theoretically there are commands to partially control the unit, power on, power off, angle, I think measurement, there are probably more commands, but I got sidetracked with some other projects.?ÿ let me know how things go.?ÿ ?ÿI suspect my firmware is gone on two of the three units, hoping to get one good file of the three otherwise its off to try to see the wizard.?ÿ ?ÿOh, looking forward to trying out that software, robots is a genius, LOL, good to see talented users sharing knowledge.
@reelstuff?ÿ I read the datasheet and my understanding is that battery switch is only done when Vcc is on.?ÿ
Note that the firmware also contains calibration settings unique to each unit so you can not use the firmware from one unit in other units without calibrationg it.?ÿ ?ÿI guess the main task for @robots now is to figure out how to do calibration as his station is blank.?ÿ
i uploaded data from other station 😀 it works... maybe not perfect, but it works as research station on my table.
I have been able to calibrate one axis on 400 series station. Its very slow process, not automated yet.
There's a 5601 and an RMT for sale on eBay:
@richard-imrie?ÿ I saw that, I was trying to bid on it at the DOT auction and the auctioneer forgot to enable me for bidding, I think there were two or three units, plus some other things, 3 5600 units, plus some odds and ends and a engineering meter, which was selling for 500 on ebay, all that for 800.00?ÿ great deals if you can get the backwards auction company they used to do their jobs, LOL, they sold stuff for nothing, but that is what happens when you have an auction company that does not know what they are doing.?ÿ I have one 5600 and two ATS units, all with 2.4 ghz radios, the only one that works is an ATS, changed the batteries, but have not figured out how to reset the battery timer, put it on the back burner, as there is a big sale coming up in Atlanta on the 29th of June, I am putting a ton of stuff in there, (literally) RTK base units, GCS 900, masts, control units, MS 990 and MS980 antennas, 3D enabled control units, hardware, cables, laser transmitters, receivers, Wifi, masts, power poles, SYS 4 topcon paving equipment, AGtek sonic tracing equipment, I have no more room and I have other projects so it's got to go...
changed the batteries, but have not figured out how to reset the battery timer
I also managed to change the two batteries in the Control Unit (CU) but nag screen "change Battery" ist still there. I would be also interested how to reset the battery timer for CU and Station.
@mike1202?ÿ I was close to an answer but had to move the setup to storage, to make room for a different project, I hope to get back to it, soon, but the output that I was getting, suggested that dates, for the time were stored, in a particular format, (I believe that I could see what it was)?ÿ just had not yet discovered the commands to change the date, I was able to see the date, in the data that I got from the unit, and it looks like you send a command to the memory, (address) that holds the data, with a path to the data to be changed, so you would have to find out where (exactly) in the memory that data is located, then send the new date, by using the path and the right syntax, since some of my data was missing, it was hard to see what the path should have been, so I was stuck and had to move to another project.
@reelstuff date is stored in one Label, you have to unlock labels to be able change it.there is seed key algo for unlock, you get number, calculate other number as password