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Topcon QS Robot

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Posts: 37
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Looks like I will be going into business solo soon. I'm considering getting a Topcon QS. The area I work in is mostly foothills of the Blue Ridge. Anyone have experience or comments on whether this instrument works in hilly environments? The older robots I have seen did not like elevations (like being 10 - 12' higher than instrument at a distance of 50' to 100'). Thanks.


Posted : January 20, 2012 2:36 pm
Posts: 372

Sent you an email.

Posted : January 20, 2012 3:54 pm
Posts: 1166

Not to be flippant or anything, but there aren't many instruments that I'd trust in such short sites at a 20% to 40% slope. The mechanics and separation of prism & tracking device just seems suspect, at best.

But I don't know anything about a Topcon QS. I've used Geodimeter, then morphed into Trimble. It just seems the mechanics would spook me, and I'd look for another way.

Best of luck in your setting up your solo shop, bold move. Especially in this shytehole economy.

Posted : January 20, 2012 4:01 pm
Posts: 937

I bought a QS w/Topserv FC 2500 a couple of months back. I have had poor luck with the machine on steep shots. Not bad if it maintains lock. But once lock is lost it is difficult to re-obtain when up or downslope. Also difficult to control with the joystick to get the thing pointed close to where the prism is before starting a search.

I also have a Leica and am more adept at gaining lock up and downslope. May be partly because I have more experience with the Leica, but the better ability to control by joystick has made gaining lock easier than with the QS.

My only other knocks on the QS is that it takes a lot of batteries to get through the day. And the Topserv software is somewhat unsophisticated and thereby limited.

However, for purely economics reasoning, I might go with the QS for the situation where the difference in price warrants it.

Posted : January 20, 2012 4:37 pm
Posts: 1948

I can't answer your question on steep slopes.
But I can say, that I really like this far..we haven't had it for too long.

We did upgrade our TDS software to run it, I also didn't like topcons software.

It tracks very well and i like its weight, or lack of weight.
I like how i can switch to robot to refelctorless with hitting just two buttons.

So good.

Posted : January 20, 2012 5:40 pm

Posts: 2248

I have a GPT-9003 and FC-2500 running TopSurv. The standard search routine is set to look above and below the horizon a set number of degrees. In the TopSurv software I believe that you can modify those limits if you're in steep terrain. Instrument will have a greater area to search so will probably take longer to find you. I suggest having the dealer turn you loose on a typical job so you can get a feel for how well it will or will not work for you.

Posted : January 20, 2012 6:49 pm
Posts: 37
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EDIT: Typical vertical angles would not exceed 10° to 15°. Anything over I would proceed differently.

Posted : January 21, 2012 4:25 pm
Posts: 944

tracking or powersearch? On the Leica, I mean.

Posted : January 21, 2012 5:25 pm
Posts: 37
Topic starter

Just wanted to say thanks for your input. I just got back from a field demo of the Leica in conditions I will typically encounter. Pretty amazing - it locked on quick even at a 70 some degree vertical angle. I like the Carlson software too. Thanks to everyone who responded.


Posted : January 24, 2012 12:33 pm
Posts: 937

Yep, Leica is a good machine. Great battery life too. I can usually go all day on one battery. After 3 years my batteries still have great life.

When I first looked into getting a robot I demo'd several different brands. The Leica stood out plus the support from my Kuker Rankin dealer in the Pacific NW has been top notch.

Posted : January 24, 2012 1:23 pm

Posts: 17

I wasn't aware that you could update TDS software to run the QS Robot. I would love to replace the TopSirv program with TDS software we are familiar and happy with. I thought their relationship with Trimble, I believe, prevented update. Can you give any advice?

Posted : January 28, 2012 1:15 pm