I am having data loss with Topcon Tesla with two different systems and users. The controller will log data and be able to do calculations with the points. However from time of survey to download, all points after a certain time will be gone. Have search the back up files and even reopened the job on the controller and there will be no points. Have checked to make sure it was a memory full problem but the controller shows that there is still lots of memory left. Im wondering if anyone else had this problem and how they fixed it?
Anarefj I have been having the same issues this month. I also watched it one time bounce for a half hour 0-1 Glonass satellites. It is definitely a problem grabbing them.?ÿ I have had issues with both GR5s and my hyper V.
I will definitely be trying the fix of turning off Glonass and turning it back on.?ÿ
Please post if you have anything new.
Maybe your antenna is loose or broken.?ÿ I've had that happen and sometimes you don't know that's the problem until you attach a new antenna since the damage might not be obvious.?ÿ One time walking through brush I accidentally turned on airplane mode on the DC which caused the rover to go into autonomous.?ÿ That one is freakish and odds of bumping the buttons in a way to do that is about 1 in a billion.?ÿ The other thing is someone nearby might be trampling on your signal...
?ÿIslandTime, I have experienced this in the past, it is one of three issues:
1.) as Bstrand said, it maybe your antenna, try switching antennas for new ones or antennas you know that work
2.) your configuration is not correct, topcon GPS can sometimes change its configuration with no notice to the user. Check both TRU configuration and magnet configuration
3.) You require a board replacement. This usually can be confirmed by connecting to the modem through TRU. If you can not connect or can not manipulate the configurations of your modem then the board will need to be replaced