I posted last week about having battery problems with one of my Hipers.
Got a lot of good advice about replacing the battery myself and have printed and filed that advice, but that was not the problem.
James at Geoshack in San Antonio dropped what he was doing and took this sick patient into the operating room upon my arrival on Tuesday.
It was the "lower face plate" or something that was the culprit, my 7 year old batteries are just fine.
The final cost was more than I wished for, but less than I expected, but I was out of there in 3 hours.
Its good to know that I have someone within 1.5 hours drive that has a full service shop.
Kudos to James and Geoshack!!!
Thanks for the update Randy. It's nice to hear about good dealers and great service. I'd use PCCDU though and check your battery's. Seven years is a long time. I keep a spreadsheet that I put in the voltage as they age so I can see when they begin to start failing.
And Kudos to Topcon for making a top notch product that the small guys can afford.
7 years and this is my first problem, not bad at all.
Hey Deral,
James showed me the status of the batteries and he was confident that they were in good shape.
Its hard to believe that I have had the hipers for 7 years, I remember posting on the other board when I got them. I was in heaven then and still amazed by them.
Time is flying by!!!!!
> And Kudos to Topcon for making a top notch product that the small guys can afford.
"And Kudos to Javad for making a top notch product that Topcon used to be able to sell that the small guys can afford."