June 2011 - units crapped out 300 miles away. Replaced antenna connections. $1100
Nov 2011 - replaced UHF transmitter, satellite receiver AND antenna connection. $4000
March 2012 - replaced bluetooth card AND UHF transmitter. - $3500
Three weeks later...it's doing the same thing. Called the shop and we fugged with it enough to know it's the satellite receiver. "Send 'em back...we're sorry..."
(I'm not really blamin' the repairman...yet)
Man, It's hard enough to make any money in this business nowadays without dumping handfuls of cash down the drain....
Gimme a frikken break.
OK...rant off...BP is leveling out at 180 over 100...
You just bought those a year ago huh?
They're a little over three years old. Picked them up in September 2010..about 14 months after their original purchase.
They have definitely been used, but not abused. They stay indoors overnight (not in the truck) and then when they're in the truck, it's an 'inside' environ. I've really tried to take good care of them.
Compared to the Hiper-Lite+ set we use (that are older than the GR3s), the GR3s can't hold a candle to them. The Hipers are still on their original batteries and everything. Go figure.
Oh well, I guess a fella has to spend his money on somethin'....
wow, man i got my gr-3's in september '09 and i've had very little trouble at all. very satisfied.
I've always had good luck with the GR-3's and prefer these to other types but I know some of the surveyors I work with don't like em but sounds like a defective product from the factory....are you using them in conjunction with a 35 watt radio? That can wear...
had the antenna problem with mine too! 3 years old now but like 3 months then.
no more problems since.