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If section lines are being retraced with GPS methods, is the one-quarter corner between two section corners on a curve?


Posted : July 2, 2010 9:47 pm
Posts: 2051
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I guess that is not a good question as a retracement will find the monument wherever it is.

So, lets say an original line is being run on the ground with GPS methods and the line is an east-west line. Are the intermediate corners on a curve?

Posted : July 2, 2010 9:50 pm
Posts: 1658

It depends on how the original Deputy Surveyor was instructed to run it.

Around here it was with a Rittenhouse Compass so it was theoretically a parallel of latitude. GPS can be used to measure the latitude of the east and west section corners and the mean latitude used to search for the quarter post.

Posted : July 2, 2010 9:57 pm
Posts: 3735

It is my understanding, that the BLM has been doing this ever since they started using GPS, but I could be mistaken (AGAIN).

GPS works in geocentric Cartesian coordinates (XYZ), so it's certainly no big deal to compute Latitude & Longitude vaqlues (most all units do this for you).

As far as "calc's on the fly," Carl nailed it for search coordinates.

The "trick" in "setting" things on the CURVE, is understanding enough about the coordinate PROJECTION that you are using, and performed the correct computations.

Not that big a deal...I was with a County Surveyor last week when he set a C1/4 "on the curve."


Posted : July 2, 2010 10:21 pm
Posts: 2051
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Smart County Surveyor!

Posted : July 3, 2010 9:05 am