Ok, its been a long time, but does anyone have or could point me to the old TDS raw data processing program? we blew the dust off of an old robot using TDS and need to edit the raw data and re-process the file. Thanks
Do you want to download the program??ÿ ForeSight DXM is what you are looking for.?ÿ If you have Carlson software, you can process the TDS raw file by simply editing the extension from RAW to RW5 and Carlson will read it.
If you want a copy of the ForeSight DXM program (no longer available from or supported by Spectra Precision) we have it on our ftp site.
You can email me at jerry @ hayesinstrument dot com
.... TDS and need to edit the raw data and re-process the file. Thanks
I use StarNet for that.
Another way to go, if you have?ÿ C3d, is to convert your rw5 data to a fbk file, edit as necessary, and import the fbk.?ÿ?ÿ
did not know that but it would be helpful for some of the older data files we have... thank you sir!
If you looked up survey shops that run on old old software, you would find me there!!?ÿ lol
My C3d idea would work in LDD as well. That is certainly old software. What resources do you have?
Microstation SE with Eagle Point. lol
Microstation SE with Eagle Point. lol
Well, you have certainly got your money's worth out of that investment.
My experience with EP is (was) very limited, and painful. But I think that it did have facilities for importing raw data and reducing it to coordinates. And .rw5 was a common format.?ÿ
I gather that you are dumping coordinates out of your data collector as your primary means of reducing raw data to coordinates. Perhaps you can make the necessary edits to your raw data in your data collector, and then do the dump.
Rotating blocks of points in CAD is certainly possible, and is quite commonly done. But, personally,?ÿ I dislike it as a routine.?ÿ It leads to blocks of points from different days getting mixed up with blocks from other days that don't need rotation/translation and quickly everything is in a blender.?ÿ Besides, there are lots of things that can get sideways in data that isn't going to be caught if you just export coordinates without examination of the raw data.?ÿ ?ÿ
Have translated and rotated linework before.
I've seen times when rotating and translating with cad turned into a complete failure in having the correct coordinates.
I don't know what really caused it to fail, it may have been the settings were to use only two decimal places or some other similar setting that threw everything off enough to make everything definitely wrong.
Have always used COGO routine to use the first wrong tie and correct that and then translate everything to the correct hub setup and then rotate all the wrong points using the correct hub and the correct first bearing.