Anyone know where TBC stores its antenna model files, and if there's an easy way to update them? When I processed Big Al's DAT file against NYHS, I specified NGS absolute models, but the baseline processing summary states that no phase corrections were applied. Absolute models for both antennas are in the NGS ANTINFO and ANTEX files. I also got a cryptic message when clicking the Process button that there was an "unresolved project computation error," but I'm not sure if that's related.
P.S. When I launched TBC today after a weekend powerdown, it didn't recognize its license key. I had to go through the whole "copy this here, install that there, run this other thing" routine in order to unlock the licensed features again. I sure hope the hardware lock works better than the software lock.
Sorry you are having TBC trouble.
If it is any help diagnosing the problem, I haven't had any problems being recognized even after turning off the computer. I'm running version 2.5 in the 30 day demo version. There must be something specific to your set up. I know that isn't much help. Could it be that after you upgraded to ver 2.6 you needed to go through the whole login routine?
Stupid Questions from a noobi
How do I know when to use the relative vs absolute antenna calibration? I'm using GNSS Solutions with Promark2s. Of course I can't use OPUS.
From the NGS FAQ:
"NGS publishes coordinates that were computed using a particular set of antenna calibrations. Current CORS coordinates are all defined using relative antenna calibration values e.g. ITRF00 epoch 1997.00, NAD 83(CORS96) epoch 2002.00, NAD 83(2007) epoch 2002.00. The new CORS coordinates ( e.g. IGS08 epoch 2005.00 and NAD 83(2011) epoch 2010.00 are defined using absolute antenna calibrations."
Are the new epochs coordinates published or going to be published in new/revised NGS datasheets?
What about the CORS stations? What will they be putting out? Check their datasheets?