Only a flesh wound (Monty Python)
Nitpicky comment on the tape application.....cmon taped to the wound...for Pete's Sake.....really? ???ñ?ÿ
He just "barely" made it.
A real surveyor. He wants to get back out there.... 🙂
He??s lucky he didn??t encounter the ??Rabbit of Caerbannog?. ?????ÿ
I was thinking maybe a few non stick pads or tegaderm.
He's got the best Halloween makeup for this season for sure.
Tough to beat his luck and fortitude.
But but ... did he set the corner? And where??s the plumbing pole?
safety briefing specific for the conditions and environment. Pepper spray, check. Air horn, check. Situational awareness, double check.
Thats a close call. Hope it??s not permanent injury. Tell that at the bar and drinks on me.?ÿ
Ever noticed that badass always has dumbass associated with it? ?????ÿ
Meanwhile the bear is telling everyone at the bear beer bar about the one that got away.?ÿ "I swear to you.?ÿ It was thisssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss big."?ÿ?ÿ
The bear is a conservationist: catch and release. And besides that,?ÿthe bear didn??t have a tag. He probably already bagged his limit.?ÿ
Reading comprehension is important.?ÿ The first time through I thought you said "The bear is a conversationalist..."?ÿ Brain farts can be fatal.
A few days ago I was describing to a neighbor where I had a car wreck back in 1970.?ÿ "It happened right in front of Phyllis.................uh................uh............uh.............Ott's house."?ÿ Thankfully, he knew where I meant and didn't say anything about the wrong last name I had just spoken.?ÿ She was born an Ott but married over 60 years ago and took her husband's surname which in not the least bit similar to Ott.
But really, what is a badass. I have ran from cows, but brushed a rattlesnake out of my way with my foot. I have worked all day in crouch deep water then went home and cooked quiche for the family. I can disappear into a thicket in a few seconds, while the guy we just hired, that says he kills wild hogs with his bare hands, is looking for a place to enter the woods. I have cut immense briarpatches and daises in the same day. I have wrapped an emergency room worthy wound with flagging tape and kept working, then wrapped my granddaughters Bear with ace bandage that night. Some peoples badass is other peoples p`u`s`s`y. As far as bears are concerned, I would probably run like crazy and get eaten.?ÿ