This has probably been posted before. The Second Principal Meridian runs down the middle of the courthouse in Boone County, Indiana:
It's well worth posting even if it's been posted before. When the courthouse was built, people must have known more about the significance of the Meridian than the average person does today. Very likely the courthouse was located on the Meridian on purpose.
The picture below may also have been posted before. The Wisconsin State Capitol is centered on a PLSS corner and oriented to the section lines. The actual (retraced) monument is under this stone floor panel in the basement, slightly offset from the decorative one on the panel. I don't know how the Capitol came to be located in this way. It's probably an interesting story.
Wisconsin State Capitol
Wisconsin State Capitol
I'm licensed in Wisconsin, but I never knew this. Thanks!
>known more about the significance of the Meridian
I can't make my mind up on the significance. In one way a principal meridian seems very important. In another way it doesn't seem like a big deal - after the lines have been run and corners marked, a monument only controls four quarter sections like any other GLO corner, or a few more if other nearby corners get lost.