In my long career (so far) I have had poor experience with private utility locator companies.?ÿ They seem to insist on marking private (not public) utility line locations entirely with pink color for all the utilities, rather than the usual (blue, green, yellow, red, orange, etc.) colors which are typically located within public right of way limits.
Do you have contact information for one or more private utility location companies that you have had good working experience with in the past, that you would share with me, please?
edit ~ Indiana
Not sure if they have an Indiana base yet, but the old standby firm of Dewy, Screwum and Howe comes to mind.?ÿ Their motto is:?ÿ If we can't find the line for you, we'll mark where it should have been.
The last company I worked for used a private guy out of Spokane.?ÿ I worked with him a bunch my last couple weeks with the company and he seemed to do a really thorough job, great communication, and he used all of the colors.?ÿ But I'm pretty sure if he can't drive to your project in a day he would say it's too far away.?ÿ Where are you located?
NM, just saw Indiana.
Are you set on using a private locator? Wondering why you aren't using Indiana 811? They have gotten much better in the last few years about locating for surveyors. They've moved away from being a call center to having tickets done online by the requesting party. You will need to complete online training in order to have an account set up, then you can create your own tickets. You can create both a locate ticket and a design ticket, which will give you a list of all the utilities within the area of the ticket.?ÿ
There's still a chance of getting a locator who will call inquiring about a dig date, so you may have to fib if that happens, but those are becoming rare occasions.?ÿ
@blitzkriegbob I do 811 on line. ?ÿIt is wonderful!
The potential client for this RFP for topo at the entrance of a school also wants a separate line item for private locates.
We don't bother with 811. If you want to spend lots of your clients money it will work,,,,,,,,eventually.?ÿ
We hire the local private company, they show up, they mark it correctly, they know where everything is.?ÿ
811 doesn't show up, they pull off in the middle, they come all at different times.
They are "free" but multiple meetings on-site and at odd times is way more expensive than the few hundred spent on the private guy.?ÿ