I've been spending rather a lot of time at the local port recently
They're rebuilding one of the wharves, and we are monitoring for deformation and movement...
Thanks for sharing that. I couldn't find that much water in a fifty-mile radius total, let alone in one spot.
Looks like thrilling work.
Don't think so - what is T4D?
Aha - just found it - a Trimble product.
No we dont use it
We do control the S8 with the monitoring option in Trimble Access - but that's as far we go with their software. We dump the results into Excel for analysis and reporting
Is your instrument pedestal at the intersection of two lines that are roughly 90 degrees to each other or some other such intersecting line configuration for a physical alignment check ?
The pillar is part of a small control network established for monitoring general movement at the port. The network was established in response to our recent earthquakes and the on-going damage to, and movement of, port infrastructure.
The two baselines being used for this particular task run roughly parallel to the wharves, and as such we are measuring at right angles to them.
As well as the three pillars for the baselines, we are also picking up half a dozen or so other previously established control points surrounding the work site at various distances.
Our S8 is the high precision model (+/- 1mm accuracy for distance).
It will easily shoot a couple of kilometers to the standard Trimble 63mm prism
However we are maxing out the auto target recognition at around 350m to the 25mm prisms. Pretty much any moisture (or hail or snow) in the air causes it to fail.
Thank you.
Thought that 'shimming' the base to make it plumb would be a probload ! 😉
offline anytime is fine - the email address on my profile is good...