For 4 years we routinely submitted dual-frequency GPS observations in RINEX file format exported from Leica LGO to OPUS for processing. That has largely been replaced by RTN network solutions, but in the past 6 weeks I have submitted five different sessions to OPUS and each one was rejected. After the second rejection I consulted with Leica tech support,who said he saw nothing wrong with file format and that my problem was likely noisy data at that job site. He trimmed the file and OPUS processed it. This week I submitted two other 2-hour static sessions -- one receiver was in a parking lot -- which were also immediately rejected by OPUS. Today I observed 3 hours with the same Leica GX-1202 dual-frequency receiver in wide open sky and got immediate rejection when I submitted a LGO RINEX file to OPUS. The rejection note indicated it was either not dual-frequency data, or a line exceeded maximum number of characters, etc. There is no mention of bad data.
I can process the static data in LGO using a single baseline solution from a nearby CORS station. We seem to be logging data as we always have, converting it in LGO to RINEX format as usual. Has something changed in OPUS in the last 6 months that would explain these rejections?
Thanks and regards,
Mike Moran
I emailed you a request for your latest RINEX file.
I have worked with Leica 1200 files in the past, even ones that the Leica proccessor did not like.
Paul in PA
Funny you ask that.:-S
I too, have been having problems, that I never had before, with OPUS.
Only the last couple of months.
(When we went from Topcon to Trimble.)
As a GPS Surveyor for 24-years and a former LGS Support guy for 5-years, working with the LGS System 1200 GPS receivers, I would recommend you setup your gear over the point to be surveyed, power up the System 1200 receiver, let it start tracking SV's, measure up your Antenna height, create some brief field notes: Point ID, Antenna Height, Start Time of Obs, Predicted Stop time of Obs, (NGS OPUS Static requires at least 2-hours). By the time you completed these simple tasks, the System 1200/GX1230 GPS receiver will be ready to start the static observation.
Do you have a proper System 1200 CONFIG Set??
In my previous life as a LGS Tech Support guru, I readily made available, a System 1200/GX1230 CONFIG Set called NGS OPUS STATIC. This CONFIG Set collected perfectly clean GNSS data with ONE SINGLE Point ID.
I'm sure LGS Tech Support would be happy to create/share a System 1200 CONFIG Set with you, or other LGS System 1200 users out here in Beer Leg Land can share a CONFIG Set also.
If the CONFIG Set you're using is not quite right for the task at hand, (OPUS Static), If the file contains more than one Site ID/Point ID, OPUS will reject the file; thinking it's a Kinematic survey. If the beginning of the Static data file contains noisy SV data, these Observations may need to be trimmed out of the original file. This may explain why your collected data needs to be manually edited before you submit to the NGS OPUS Service, just my 2cents. B-)
I have started to have problems myself with my GPS1200 system using OPUS. This week I did tow observations near each other, the first one processed and the second one that was observed immediately following the first, did not. I have had several not process lately and thought I was too close to the coast to be surrounded by cors.
OPUS Does Not Care If You Are Surrounded By CORS
It does care about good clean data. It is possible that NGS has improved the filters thus rejecting data that would be suitable in the past.
Consider the following standard OPUS disclaimer:
"This position and the above vector components were computed without any
knowledge by the National Geodetic Survey regarding the equipment or
field operating procedures used."
You have the responsibility for your data. Someone with experience could read your file and make suggestions how to improve what you have or do better in the future.
The ball starts in your court.
Paul in PA
Thanks -- OPUS rejecting Leica GPS1200 files
Thanks all for your helpful comments. As I mentioned, in the past we had routinely observed 2 hours of static during our RTK sessions. As with many others, we downloaded the RTK data, converted the raw static to RINEX in Leica LGO and sent it to OPUS for an RTK base station coordinate and elevation. It was an easy, simple process and only a couple times in five years do I remember having any problem with OPUS.
K-I-S-S. Editing the RINEX file prior to each submital would add an extra step that wasn't there before.
With respect to setups and procedure, our System 1200 configs include RTK Reference or PP Static at 5 seconds. I have inquired with Leica tech support about the NGS OPUS config setting you mentioned.
Paul, thanks for the offer. I have emailed you yesterday's rejected file. Please let me know if you spot something. I must plead ignorance reading RINEX files, but I am in the process of learning more and comparing the past five (5) rejected files with previously processed files from six months ago.
I did notice that our rejections began after switching from Leica LGO ver 8.2 to Leica LGO ver 8.3 network. The GPS receiver software version has not changed in 2 years. I have inquired with Leica tech support if the newer LGO software produces a different RINEX format or if a setting needs to be changed.
I had initially thought our locations were noisy, etc., but the last two were in open fields and relatively good satellites. I was also curious if NGS may have changed filters or processing standards thus rejecting data that would be suitable in the past. I posted to find out if my experience with OPUS was common to others.
Thanks again.
Thanks -- OPUS rejecting Leica GPS1200 files
> I did notice that our rejections began after switching from Leica LGO ver 8.2 to Leica LGO ver 8.3 network
Might be worth comparing the rinex file headers - they are just text files - to see what (if anything) has changed...
Leica Was Not Including The # and Types Of Observables
in the header. Probably a setting change when your version changed.
Find and change that setting reconvert all recent Leica files and you should be off to the races.
Paul in PA
Thanks -- OPUS rejecting Leica GPS1200 files
Mike, If you want to send me your original System 1200 Raw data files, I can convert the raw data file into Rinex using the older LGO v7 Rinex converter, submit to NGS OPUS Service. If indeed, OPUS returns a OPUS Solution Report from the LGO v7 generated Rinex files, there may be some weirdness (??) with the Rinex converter embedded in the newer build of LGO v8+ (Just indicate the Point ID, Antenna Type, Antenna HI.)
-BbB B-)
Check out this old thread. TEQC might help you. Also, you can submitt the raw Leica file to OPUS, and it will convert to RINEX.