Normally I have no problems getting a OPUS solution. Got this message today from OPUS.."OPUS could not process the data file that was submitted. The data was either very noisy or it was collected in kinematic mode". Any suggestions? Checked the Sync rate, etc. and all looks fine.
Sent er over and I'll take a look...there are several reasons this might happen, and sometimes there doesn't seem to be any reason.
Winds not blowin bad today should git thar pretty quick.
I received this same message last week when trying to submit 7 hours of data to OPUS. I reported this to NGS and our State VRS RTN manager. Come to find out, the nearest CORS stations were unavailable. Solution: Check the availability of all your nearest CORS stations until you locate at least three that have data available on them. Resubmit your data at OPUS and select "Options" and pick your three stations, then submit. This should deliver OPUS results.
Thanks Ricardo, that's what I'm finding out. The noisy data is coming from a OPUS selected "noisy" CORS station. I'm going back and selecting my base stations and see if that works.
wait until thursday if you can. ngs is doing upgrades and training at the same time. could be they are monopolizing their own resources temporarily
Okie dokie, FYI, went back in and selected my base stations for processing and the solutions look good. The problem was too many CORS stations nearby and one was having if you get the OPUS aborting message you might try looking for base processing stations that have data available and running without "noise?"