What is meant by "inserting surface points"? Like the TIN is pulling from intermediate points along the curve?
@bstrand Not positive on this but if that curve were shot with something that is not considered a break line I don't believe the tin would create intermediate points on the curve. If it is shot as a break line, isn't that the behavior you would want the tin to have?
If it is shot as a break line, isn't that the behavior you would want the tin to have?
It is indeed a breakline, but nope I don't want it to do that at all.?ÿ You would think there's a way to toggle this feature off or on because I'm sure some people would find it useful.?ÿ I want the tin to use only my cogo points unless I tell it otherwise.
A?ÿproximity breakline?ÿdoes not add new points to a surface. Instead, the nearest surface point to each breakline endpoint is used. The triangles that make up a surface are then recomputed making sure those points are connected.
Proximity breaklines can be handy, but they can also go haywire too. I've found they are more prone to be "dropped" from the surface definition if additional items are added later on, and then have to be removed and re-added again.
We currently use proximity breaklines, although that's not my preference. I'd rather create and QC my?ÿ surfaces in TBC; I find the tools easier/faster, and the 3D view is way, way better than C3D. The Object Viewer is just....terrible.
For a reasonably flat area I usually just turn my contour interval to 0.1' and use that to catch surface problems in Civil 3D.?ÿ I've never built a surface in TBC though so I might have to tinker with that in my spare time.
That's how I was mentored too...TBC was the first pass QC before dumping into C3D.?ÿ It's a great workflow
1) Why do so many homebuyers never get the survey before they close on the purchase, but manage to be upset with the survey results after the fact?
2) Why do so many surveyors never ask for help/tips before they go out to do something they've never done before, but manage to muck it up and ask for help after the fact?
It must be related to how there is never enough budget to do it right, but there's always time to do it twice?
Blame that Murphy guy.