I recently bought some stuff on eBay including an old (probably about 1990) HUSKY FS/GS data collector. Put some batteries in it and it powers up, but I'm in need of a little help to figure it out. Anyone know where I can find a manual?
I think I still have one for the Husky FS2 if you think it will be useful. Anything in particular that you're trying to figure out?
There is a possibility that I have one in a box on a shelf in my old office. Shoot me an email Wednesday or Thursday and remind me to look when I go by there towards the end of the week.
I'm looking for some of the basic stuff like how to figure out what software (if any) is on board, how to get to the second functions, etc. About all I can do is get to the "C" prompt and error message. When I did start it up I had to set date & time, but that's about it. Let me take a pic later and I'll post it because I'm not sure a FS2 is similar enough.
I'll try to remember to do that.
Here's a pic
Here's a pic
That looks like the same keyboard overlay as my husky fs2 with TDS. Use DOS commands to look for exe files, bat files, and directories. Of the three huskys I've used I think all had a different exe file to start TDS depending on the software version and if it was sold by Topcon or TDS. One was fcfs2.exe, one was tds.exe, and I believe the other was topcon.exe. I believe that the executables all resided in the root directory then launched into a sub-directory. It's also possible that they were bat files instead of exe files. I'll try to look at one of mine tonight to give you a better idea what to look for.
Here's a pic
I tried those suggestions but kept getting "bad command or file name". I will appreciate anything you can come up with. If the software is still there I think the problem is just getting past the "C" prompt.
Here's a pic
If the dir command does not reveal any sub-directories named tds, topcon, or similar then the software is gone. Sooner or later every husky I've used has had a corrupted flash drive. The DOS files and a few other communication files are loaded from a ROM chip. TDS and other software was loaded from disk into the flash memory. Once the flash gets corrupted, you have to use the dos commands to format the memory and reload software. TDS was serialized to the dc so that it will only run in demo mode if loaded from a disk not serialized to that dc.
Of the three that I have, I only have the disks for two of them. One is on 5.25 inch floppies (I can't find a working drive or computer with the correct interface to hook it to). The other is on 3.5 inch floppies that are corrupted. All would make good desk dc's for office calcs but without the software they're just good paperweights.
Here's a pic
That's probably what is going on. The DIR command works, but scrolls so fast I can't read a few at the top. And haven't figured out how to manually scroll up.
Here's a pic
DIR /P ?
Or you could try the up arrow (top row) or the page up key (below it).
Here's a pic
I've tried the up arrow - no help. I'll try your other suggestion.
Here's a pic
The problem is how you get a "/", forward slash. Good luck.
Here's a pic
Forward slash is shift Z.
eBay huh?
That looks like the one I lost (had stolen?) just weeks after getting promoted to Jr. Party Chief at Dewberry. That was an awful drive back to the office, thank God they didn't fire me! I have been a freak about locking truck doors ever since!
Dave, you friends with the Roots? We may have met many moons ago...