Me: Titan Surveying
Middle age woman: HOW MUCH DO YOU CHARGE AN HOUR!!!!
Me: hmmm good morning. Where is your project located? How large is it? What is the purpose of the survey?
Middle age woman: I need a price then! It's about 20 acres in McCreary County.
Me: Can you send me a copy of the deed?
Middle age woman: No, just give me a price.
Me: I can tell you the price will be under a million dollars.
I feel really bad for the surveyor that get sucked into that one.
I like relating the analogy of drilling a water well to price shoppers like that.
"Surveying a property is a bit like drilling a well Mam. How deep I'll have to go to find water I just simply have no way of knowing, but this is what I charge per foot. If you'd like me to work you up a realistic estimate, I can do that, but I'll need to obtain a retainer of X dollars from you to begin the necessary research and we can go from there. At least then we'll both have better idea of what we're getting ourselves into. :bye: "
Then shut up. (First to speak generally loses). 😉
What worries me is when you get a weird call like that and you give them an uncommonly high price and they say, "Sounds good. Get it done as soon as you can."
RUN, FORREST, RUN!!!!!!!!!
Holy Cow, post: 374329, member: 50 wrote: What worries me is when you get a weird call like that and you give them an uncommonly high price and they say, "Sounds good. Get it done as soon as you can."
RUN, FORREST, RUN!!!!!!!!!
They're usually not going to pay you, either.
Dave Lindell, post: 374335, member: 55 wrote: They're usually not going to pay you, either.
exactly... and the corollary to that is the Price Shopper intends to pay every nickle, on time. Cultivate them.
Several years ago someone called wanting a price and they refused to give me an acreage, an owner, or an address. They just wanted a price. I told them that what they were doing would be like calling the mechanic and asking how much it would cost to fix their car without telling what was wrong with it.
Tommy Young, post: 374349, member: 703 wrote: would be like calling the mechanic and asking how much it would cost to fix their car without telling what was wrong with it.
That's the best and most easily understood analogy. I was going to post it, but then saw you did.
I have a red car. It won't start. How much to fix it?
NO No look under hood!
If someone needing a boundary survey insisted on knowing my hourly rate, I would just tell them. They would go away quickly enough, and if not, I would be happy to do the job - slowly.
Neil Grande, post: 374326, member: 8175 wrote: Me: Titan Surveying
Middle age woman: HOW MUCH DO YOU CHARGE AN HOUR!!!!
Me: hmmm good morning. Where is your project located? How large is it? What is the purpose of the survey?
Middle age woman: I need a price then! It's about 20 acres in McCreary County.
Me: Can you send me a copy of the deed?
Middle age woman: No, just give me a price.
Me: I can tell you the price will be under a million dollars.
I feel really bad for the surveyor that get sucked into that one.
What size sheet? I have a nice 81/2x11 for $50. Full color, north arrow, scale, all the perks.
Oh, you want it of your house? Well that's a special custom order. We need a non-refundable deposit for the design phase.
A good first ring ring post.