Iwould like to give xmas wishes to all and hope that your economy picks uo so you can all have a happy and better new year.
our country of 22 million with vast resources and now a large national debt continues to sell off the farm to the chinese investors, with profits flowing overseas and guest workers on 457 visas working for cheap, flying in from the phiilipines, chinese plasterers and korean tilers.
I am glad i shall retire in 18 months when i hit sixty.
Anyone reading this has made it through another new year, so cheers to all
No worries mate.
The economy here in the US is "too big to fail" and it will do as it has always done and eventually go on in spite of all of the obstructions which might be thrown in front of it.
In my home state of Ohio, with just over half of the population of Australia, we are on track to become a net energy exporter by 2015, for the first time in more than 100 years.
As for the Chinese, no worries there. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Remember the events of 1942.
Facing retirement in 18 months poses a challenge for you. Are you prepared for it? I don't mean financially, I mean personally. It's a major stressor. I'm 65 and "semi" retired and just keeping a small part of my surveyor brain exercised occasionally doing some paid work and some pro bono work.
I also have a hobby. Which hobby is not important, it's just important that you have one entering retirement. Some retirees actually have an anxiety attack the first Monday they do not have to get up and go to work. Luckily I had no problem with that.
I hope that you can cheer up a bit and enjoy the holiday of Christmas and have a safe and happy new year in 2014!
Actually i am fine, was listening to a news report which got me on the chinese thing, we are pricing ourselves out now, ford and gm are closing up and toyota will follow.
electricians are getting 1200 bucks a day in the mines, thats good, but shortlived.
i sit on my deck loking for things to do, make etc, i was contemplating Thailand or China, if I can bear the unhealthy air and water, maybe in short stints, teaching english to poor kids etc., i can live off my rental properties, so i wont need an income over in these places, just some adventure.
i can fish as long as i can take a newspaper, tv and radio he he, we have a good lifestyle here, i just pity the young ones, house prices start at $350,000 for a basic box, a decent place costs 550,000 and up. 450 square metre blocks in new estates are 350g and up, terrible.
Anyway happy new year, if anyone visits down this way I can show you around.
Cheers David
i just pity the young ones, house prices start at $350,000 for a basic box, a decent place costs 550,000 and up. 450 square metre blocks in new estates are 350g and up, terrible.
I am amazed at that also. Here in the US we get some Canadian programs regarding housing and it always seems to be about some young couple looking for a home. The homes all seem to be tiny old rehabs which go for 500k and up.
No such problem here. Number one son bought a home here this year (built 1997) for about $142,000 USD which would sell for two or three times that in Canada. In looking at the US, Canada, and Australia, I don't see any shortage of land!
Must be some other explanation.
I wish you good fishing in 2014.
If you have family, health, and friends - you have it all. Everything else is a nuisance. Merry Christmas and all the best in the New Year.
Yeah, back at you. Hope yours goes well. My little family doesn't get together until Saturday so it will just be me and Mrs. Cow until then. Well, us and all the livestock to tend to. It is in the single digits F here this morning but with a promise of 37 later today.
i just pity the young ones, house prices start at $350,000 for a basic box, a decent place costs 550,000 and up. 450 square metre blocks in new estates are 350g and up, terrible.
Unfortunately being 23 and living in WA i feel this pain. the prices are unrealistic driven up by population growth and a very poor density to people vs land area. Here in WA a 3/2 will cost you more like $700,000-$800,000 30 minutes from the city. 🙁