Hello all,
I'm an archaeologist who is trying to set up the Surface Pro 2 as a data logger. I have full Carlson SurvPC, and was able to connect the TS06 to the Surface through the SurvPC bluetooth utility. However, after clicking the green check in the corner after the bluetooth is "bonded," a dialog saying "Not supported" pops up.
I have the total station set to interface and export data through bluetooth.
Any help would be awesome,
Sorry to BUMP my own post, but are there any thoughts about? Again, literally any help would be appreciated.
I don't know much about "green" instruments and have never used a Windows RT (aka surface) device.
But it sounds to me like...
a: the bluetooth is connecting ok
b: the communication is trying to use an unsupported protocol
Maybe its something as simple as needing to turn on 'file transfer' or 'serial communications' in what your bluetooth can do
Bluetooth devices use "stacks" to support different functions - It could be you dont have the one needed. Does the Leica manual give any details about what protocol it uses?