Anyone have a simple spreadsheet program to convert coordinates from imperial to metric. I have about 250 topo shots I need converted.
If the are just topo shots, I would bring them into AutoCAD and then scale them.
Depends on what "foot" definition your imperial units are in.
For US Survey Feet divide the Imperial cells by (3937/1200) = meters
For International Feet multiply the Imperial cells by .3048 = meters
It is that simple and can easily be done in a spreadsheet.
The above values give the exact conversion, no round off to the full precision of your spreadsheet program.
> If the are just topo shots, I would bring them into AutoCAD and then scale them.
That won't scale the elevations.
> Anyone have a simple spreadsheet program to convert coordinates from imperial to metric...
It will be well worth your time to use this opportunity to learn some Excel skills. I presume you have the feet coordinates in a comma separated text file with the extension ".csv"
- Double click on the file name in file explorer and it will open in Excel. You likely have 5 columns (P,N,E,Z,D) and 250 +/- rows.
- Click in a box on the top row to the right of the occupied columns. Say, column H.
- Enter an equals sign "=" (sans quotation marks)
- then click on the northing in row 1, column B
- then type "*1200/3937" and hit [ENTER](assuming US Survey Feet)
- Column H Row 1 should now contain the metric equivilant to Column B Row 1
- Copy Column H Row 1 and "paste special" the formula you just created to Column 1 Rows 2 through 250. YOu should now have a whole stack of metric northings.
- Copy Column H Rows 1 through 250 and Paste Special-Formulas to Column I Rows 1-250 and Column J Rows 1-250. You should now have Eastings and Elevation in metric
- Copy Column H,I,J Rows 1-250, open a new worksheet, and paste special-values to columns B,C,& D.
- Copy column A and paste it to column A in your second worksheet. Do the same for column E...
- With your second worksheet open save the file to some new name, with a .csv extension.
Elapsed time, maybe 2 minutes, with practice. Spend the next half hour amending your resume to read "Proficient in Excel".
> > If the are just topo shots, I would bring them into AutoCAD and then scale them.
> That won't scale the elevations.
Yes it will, depending on want you want. If you want to scale the N,E, and Z all at once (which I prefer), just window them and scale. It works in my Eaglepoint.
or If you only want to scale the elevations in Civil3D you can create the TIN, then display the triangles, set a scale factor for the triangles in the style (triangles tab)"exaggerate triangles by scale factor" and then extract the triangle from the surface. Now create a new surface from these triangles.
I sure there are a few other ways in CADD also.
Thanks guys! I am pretty good with excel so this should be easy. Thanks for the input Norman