After a long while our hand held Garmin Etrex does not function.
Yes, batteries are 101% AOK, it just won't.
So we are looking for a hand held replacement of similar size (not a square to sit on the truck dashboard telling me it is in "Recalculate" mode).
So, are there any suggestions ?
I hope I'm expressing myself clearly as we would like to get to the point of UTM coordinate level monument searchability with the ability of having a 'bar finder' look-see radius.
Thank you,
I replaced my Garmin GPSIII plus with a Garmin GPSMAP 60CSx a few years ago and added Topo to the maps. It is waterproof.
I wear it on a lanyard and it will fit in most any pocket.
The Rhino is rather unique as it doubles as a radio and will show the location of your crew members.
There are many FREE map downloads for Garmin units.
> Garmin GPSMAP 60CSx
Does it display an odometer in feet?
[sarcasm]I have a hell of a time clocking 1/4 of a mile on the digital odemeter in my truck[/sarcasm]
These are only recreation grade, not what I'd call mapping grade, which is somewhere between recreation grade and static/RTK/etc units, but can be handy nevertheless.
Do these models offer User Lambert as a location format? The older Garmin handhelds did not, but I think some newer ones do.
It will change from feet to miles at 0.1mi
To get constant odometer in feet you will need to upgrade to an actual receiver unit that stores data.
It is a similar unit to the Garmin Etrex and has more features in my opinion.
There is a variable setting for proximity alert to the target site.
I do not see Lambert as an option, it does have USER defined.
USER - define your own by input in meters (DX, DY, DZ, DA, DF)
Dozens of worldwide settings
I run in WGS84 to match GoogleEarth and works well with South Central Topo.
I understand Magellan units have User-defined Lambert Conformal Conic.
I have used a Garmin GPSmap 76CSx for several years. I have been able to easily locate many GLO monuments using the BLM GCDB coordinates. One was in some dense brush and I had to get on my hands and knees to see it.
My experience is that the Garmin repeatablilty or the ability to return to the same point, is within a couple of feet. I also use it to document the position where I take pictures.
My unit has coordinates from quite a few counties. I now always mark the hotel in which I am staying so I can find my way back. I have a habit of wandering around without being concerned about where I am going. One time in Krasnador, Russia, I got lost and flagged down a police car and they took me back to the hotel. That was before I got the Garmin. Now I don't get lost anymore, or better said, I can find my way home.
Thank you all.
I have had a suggestion from a bright, young feller to consider a Garmin Oregon 650T with "Expert GPS On The Job" as an added feature.
Please do keep suggesting.
A Garmin Oregon 650T in tandem with ExpertGPS Pro? Say, that is a bright fellow suggesting that...