Hi guys!
I am just curious regarding the supported GNSS receiver position update rate values among brands and models. Mine is Leica GS09 GNSS with update rate value of 5hz. Leica GS15/GS10 supports up to 20hz of update rate. Altus supports a bit higher rate of 25hz. What's the significance of update rate in terms of field work? What types of work a 5hz GNSS receiver can't cope up?
Thank you so much.
> What types of work a 5hz GNSS receiver can't cope up?
If your receiver is moving at 10 mph, a 5hz update rate will give you a position about every 3 feet. At normal walking speed, that's a position every foot or so. If you're going to be moving faster than that, or need more finely-detailed update information, you want to pay for a higher update rate.
Thank you so much Jim.. 🙂