My old boss called and told me he got an email saying the State's Network RTK system would down for a while and they'd come back online with an upgraded system. I'm not on their mailing list, so I don't know the details. I figured I could get the details at their website, but that is currently down, too.
Anyone get the email or know any specifics?
Email concerning RTK Server last Tues eve...
"out of the woods. we had a catastrophic hard drive failure. after some head banging we managed to restore the rtk. web access is still an issue for the moment. i am trying to isolate the root cause. hopefully we will have it resolved in the morning. sorry for any inconvenience . i appreciate your support and patience."
Thanks. Seems the outage has nothing to do with upgrading. Not sure where he got that from.
Actually, there does appear a plan to upgrade all the DOT's recievers to GPS / GLONASS/ Galileo. Cool.
I got that email the other day. Couldn't figure out why my R8 wasn't fixing with 10 sats lasgt week. Hopefully they do upgrade to GNSS, would really make it alot easier on most of us. But, hey, its free....