Anyone got a favorite source of regular old hard bound type field books?
I get them from my local dealers. Caron East is in Cumberland, MD and Precision Laser is in Ambridge, PA. I am sure either one of them will ship. They are about $7 each. I would give the number but I don't have them handy, but if you search either name and city, you will find them.
I love the ELAN E10x10K ones.
They give me more than 2x the mileage than the smaller ones.
The level books fit in your back pocket, I'm just sayin'.
I like the little mini field books. I get mine from Hayes, 100 at the time at $0.50 each.
That way, I use a field book for each job and put it in the job folder upon project completion.
This has worked good for me. I don't have a lot of data wrote down like in the old days, so it rarely requires more than one per job. If you loose a field book, it is only one job. It is also easy to go back and find a particular job. They fit easily in a pocket, too.
I suppose it would take some getting used to the size, though.
Not what you were looking for but have you tried:
I don't buy a lot of them, but I get mine from Hayes.
> I love the ELAN E10x10K ones.
> They give me more than 2x the mileage than the smaller ones.
> N
I will second that recommendation.
The Bow Tie Surveyor
A university book store may have them if the school offers any courses where they migh get used. I've found them that way.
On the subject of field books, why doesn't somebody get Elan to update the extra reference material they put in field books? I mean, who needs 8+ pages of approximate tables and formulas for railroad curves? One good page of formulas covering RR and Highway curves would replace all that and leave room for vertical curve formulas, T&P atmospheric corrections for EDM, and lots of good stuff.
Those are great for holding copies and plans from the office.
Used them for forms to estimate timber and other tally sheets.
The first company I worked for used that and a yellow page pad for all surveying notes in the field.
Thanks, I think I will try to pick them up locally.