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Error in the original plat(s)

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I'm doing a simple lot survey([sarcasm]yeah; right[/sarcasm]) in a 1955 plat. The centerline curve data given on the plat, in front of the lot I'm surveying, mistakenly shows the data for the outside of the curve. No big deal, but it also says that the delta angle is 180 degrees and the tangent bearings coming into the curve create a delta angle of 173deg-29min. No big deal either; if you run the centerline geometry you can make a reasonable fit by holding the westerly side of the curve tangent to the in-coming line.

The lot also adjoins the second addition, surveyed in 1960 by a different surveyor. I find an error, between the 2 plats; 2' in easting and 1' in northing. This doesn't surprise me, as there is a 45' elevation difference between the 2 streets, 260' a part, most of which falls along the rear lot line. The second addition was also surveyed by someone with a less than stellar reputation.

The property belongs to the clients mother, she has moved into a nursing home and he wanted to have it surveyed because his father poured a concrete slab along the original driveway, back in the 70's, without a survey. He wanted to make sure everything was OK, before they sold the property.

Wll the driveway is over the line by a couple feet. Tust me, I have spent many many hours searching for and finding evidence related to both plats. I have even sent GPS information to OPUS and it didn't change things a bit.:snarky:

Now the client wants to know why it took so long and why the fee is more than I originally quoted. Oh, and he has sold the house and the new buyers "don't care" about the concrete slab......

What would you tell him?

Posted : January 2, 2014 5:35 pm
Posts: 1091

Dugger tell him the fact!

.....The previous surveyor produced incorrect plan data. I assume that surveyor no longer operating ...


Posted : January 2, 2014 6:06 pm
Posts: 7889
Topic starter

Dugger tell him the fact!

Happy New Year Richard! Even if it's well into the 3rd day for you.....;-)

Yes, the facts... his eyes kind of glazed over and I think he thought I was trying to put one over on him...

If you were to calculate my hourly wage from the fee I got for this survey, I'd have to report myself for not paying the state minimum wage...:-(

Posted : January 2, 2014 6:14 pm
Posts: 1091

Dugger tell him the fact!

HNY to you too dugger!!!... Only talked about Seattle visit yesterday to an OZ (well relatively recent POM import). How time flies!Seems only like yesterday standing out front of SeaTac waiting for you and your truck...

Yes easy for client to glaze over ! Should have asked him what he does when matters affecting what he is doing are out of his control..

BTW was the client a school teacher?


Posted : January 2, 2014 6:21 pm
Posts: 7889
Topic starter

Dugger tell him the fact!

> BTW was the client a school teacher?

He is a lawyer for a bill collection firm...o.O

I suspect he sends out a couple of "collectors"; when things aren't going well.

Posted : January 2, 2014 6:25 pm

Posts: 9867

[sarcasm]Love those old plats.[/sarcasm]

I looked at the plat where a friend's son bought his house, and find the sum of angles on the exterior to be off by 26 minutes. I can't identify any simple mistake that would fix that and make the lots fit.

I've tried off and on for a long time now to figure out the plats of our church neighborhood. The church property falls in two subdivisions done by two different CEs/surveyors a couple years apart in the 1950's. Of course some of the most critical corner monuments appear to be missing. On the older of the plats, things compute out very well. On the other, I find a lot of problems.

For instance, I've convinced myself that the south line bearing on one plat was computed to the center of the street, which is 10 ft north of the quarter corner it was drawn to. That's the only way I can make the exterior close reasonably. Not sure why the street was offset, but that fact is clear.

Then most of the curves check out nicely by arc formulas, but the s-curves near the church have redundant data that only comes close to checking with itself if you assume they used railroad chord formulas. I'm still trying to come up with a theory on how the lot frontages were calculated, since most attempts just do not fit into the available space, and there are a lot of lines that don't have bearings to help me. I'm considering a copying error of 56.4 for a distance of 54.6 on two lots as a possibility, but haven't finished the calculations with that idea.

I strongly suspect that the quarter corner which was a corner of both of our plats got disturbed after these subdivisions and before the one to the south, and put back most of a foot differently. That assumption is needed to make several things line up. The corner record has no history other than "found PK nail" in 1998. The nail is there, but there is also something magnetic under the street a little too far away to match where I would have expected our corner.

Plenty of entertainment. Glad I don't have to make any decisions while running up a client's bill.

Posted : January 2, 2014 9:29 pm
Posts: 7889
Topic starter

> ...... Glad I don't have to make any decisions while running up a client's bill.

Glad I don't work for one of those survey mills; where you need to crank these out as fast as you can, just to stay on budget.:snarky:

Posted : January 3, 2014 9:15 am
Posts: 201

Well I'd tell the client to read his did have a contract Dugger?

Hey Richard, how's life DU? The Aussie invasion (portagraff)is still talked about at the Twisp Pub!

Posted : January 3, 2014 10:27 am
Posts: 1091

LUV my portagaf and Twisp memories...

You Shayne Wolfe, Dan Beardslee,Dugger, together with your local survey colleagues with the didgeridoo (that now lives with Jeremiah Teague in Tucson) in the boutique brewery..

You US surveyors would be surprised how often I recount memorable occasions and events. It was only last week that I was fondly raving about Mr Wolfe and the Twisp adventure with Dugger.


Posted : January 3, 2014 2:46 pm