I have an Elevation Certificate on a Lake. The BFE is 7.9 feet below the Lowest Adjacent Grade (LAG). However, there is a wooden wheelchair ramp that runs from the back deck to the seawall. The elevation at this point is 1.2 feet below the BFE. Is the end of the wheelchair ramp the elevation for Item C2.h (..."Lowest adjacent grade at lowest elevation of deck or stairs, including structural support").
I would fill out the elevation cert form with the elevations you have, and in the comments say its for a wheelchair ramp.
Every form we do is not going to be above the BFE, just put down the elevations and make a note. Let the insurance agent handle the rest.
That's normally what I do.
The property owner is submitting to FEMA to remove his house from the Flood Zone. He doesn't have a mortgage, so he won't be buying flood insurance. I just wanted to make sure that I'm interpreting the Elevation Certificate correctly.
I think that if the ramp (or deck/stairs) is not structurally attached to the building, it doesn't count. Detach it if attached.
I wouldn't want to use that ramp in a wheelchair - pretty scary, needs some sort of curbing or rail.
Ya beat me to it Sergeant. If it is attached, tell them to detach it then it doesn't exist. That is no different than a free standing gazebo in the middle of a garden, or even a swimming pool. Plus being elevated there is virtually no way FEMA's sacred flood water will be impeded.
I do it the same way. FEMA only insures the house, so if it's not "part of the house", like a balcony, or deck that provided direct access to the front/back door, then I don't consider it for C2.h.
I might be wrong on this, but that's how I do it.
The short answer is "No." I wouldn't even call that a wheelchair ramp although it could be use for such a purpose. To me it is a raised board sidewalk that has nothing to do with the house.
You could just complete Section B on the MT-EZ LOMA Request. It only asks for the Lowest Adjacent Grade if you just want to remove the structure.