I'm trying to bluetooth connect my Hiper Pros to my new Trimble TSC3 Survey Pro 5.4.2
It sees the GPS, but asks for a "passcode" ??? I never knew there was one to enter..
Tried 0000 1111 1234 to no avail.
Of course I've changed my computers a few times since I last wired the Pro's to the serial port. Hoping there is a way to get that info without resetting the software.
Any thoughts??
thanks.. Andy
PS My Topcon FC 2000 died a while ago, I planned to upgrade the robot anyway and was assured that the TSC3 would run the GPS units.
leave the code blank
The first time it asks for the passcode, if the [Next] button is "live" press it to continue. The next time it asks for a passcode, you'll have to enter something before it will let you continue. Anything will work.
Then you will need to set up the connection as a [] Serial Port in the Advanced Settings screen.