Just an observation of what I’m encountering. Though the grumbling by attorney’s and / or their respective paralegals has almost disappeared I still have to explain sometimes, in detail that “their” certification cannot and will not appear on my survey, nor in the notes, nor as a stand-alone document signed by me. I have not had one survey rejected after this is “politely” explained to them that these are non-negotiable facts. 🙂
But today did surprise me that the paralegal was not aware of the latest ALTA/ACSM standards… it is nearly October… 😉
Paralegal schmeralegal, sometimes people are simply rather new to the whole business they are attempting to service. I've gone through about 15 different "loan assistants" at one bank alone. Yes, it gets tiring educating those who should already have been educated prior to being put in their current work position. But, the main goal is to keep them calling, no matter who they are or how uneducated they may be.
Have been thru many that want their own uniquely worded certification placed on their papers.
I always congratulate them on their attempt to be unique and insist that they are and that their efforts in preparing a certification for them is their own reward in this case, cause I've got my own too.
The problem is that we may answer to our clients for the satisfaction of our work, it is mainly ourselves that we answer to with our certification.
The BOR is in control of what the content of the certification is and what is expected from the surveyor. The ALTA/ACSM standards are the only exception to my regular title survey certification of "Surveyed on the ground by:".
Big Problem we had in Washington State, was attorneys wanting legal descriptions changed to Bearing Distance calls. My boss at the time had fits with them . He would not change a description unless their were errors, or very poorly written. Attorney's seem to think they know more. He used to tell them when they got their Surveying License, they could do as they please. Typically that shut them up. lol