has anyone else ever found these marks before?
i found the first one, looks like it was chiseled. eight others were cast in, with metal dies, i'm guessing. nice thing about this retracement is they match base line of right of way stationing!
Yes, (like the one in the fourth frame) and they are very useful for
referencing a traverse point also.
A few of the cities where I have worked required the paving crew to stamp the fresh concrete curb or gutter. Stations were required to match 3 ft. back of curb lath stationing. Have found the stations to be +/- 0.5 ft. on average. Still helps find the actual survey control if it remains.
usually not perfect, but does give a guy a little confidence when ya start looking fer/finding the points that really matter.
Utterly useless to the +/- 0.001 crowd.