Hi guys!
I tried looking around in the net for a good Carlson Field manual but to no avail. 🙁 Anybody can help me on this?
Thank you guys.. 🙂
The provided manual is quite not that comprehensive for me.
That's what your VAR is for. The people that sold you that package are supposed to be able to support it and answer your questions.
We loaded Carlson Field on Panasonic Toughbooks for data collectors. Our VAR gave all of our crews an 8 hour training class on data collection using Carlson Field and we were off to the races. Haven't had any major problems yet.
Simple fact: The days of teaching yourself software packs via trial and error and the manual are LONG gone.
I would suggest going to the Carlson website and viewing the sites of the various Carlson College members for additional info and tutorials, plus you need to check out the training films available on the Carlson websight.
HOWEVER, all og your questions posted here have me a tad confused. You cannot find adequate info for a large number of Carlso products and you are using SDR33's?? Current software and yesteryear's data collector? No wonder you are having a tough go. I don't think the manuals will help that situation.
Thank you for your reply. I need to provide training to some people. We employ different data collection systems. This means that I need to learn all those stuff to be as effective as possible.
Thank you for the information. I need to get as many information and references as I can to be able to share more.
Formal Training? It depends on the product in my opinion. Some are easy to use.
For those easy to learn products, if a user is "keen" and experience with equipment and software, then having someone showing that person the cardinal rules of the new product would suffice in many instances.
Those cardinal rules (including quirks and quarks) are usually not in the user manuals. Being aware of these rules often makes the difference.
Here's an example: You are experienced with CAD product A. It would not take you too long to figure CAD product B if someone takes the time during a coffee break to go over a few things that you should probably be aware of.
You are going to "learn" all the data collectors and pretty much the full Carlson product line by reading the manuals and then have the audacity to try to "teach" your customers?? Good luck with that. It ain't going to happen. I can almost guarantee it.
I've used AutoCad since 1988 as a cartographic drafter. We recently transitioned to Carlson. Believe me, the transition was not instentanious at all. The Field To Finish routine is totally different than AutoCad's field book file. (If you are not going to take FULL advantage of tying Carlson Field and Carlson Survey together via the FULL Field To Finish setup, then you do not need to be using Carlson.) The power is in that interface, properly applied. That's where the power is. That's where your clients can save a tron of money and maximize their profits. BUT that takes preplanning and an in depth setup , and most of that is not in any manual nor is all intuitive.
I totally disagree. I haven't found anyone yet that was able to instantly figure out the full Field To Finish setups. You can go to some Carlson College sessions and F2F is never really addressed. (I know. I did that. $1,800 fee and all that was said was "Here is where oyu do your F2F setup." For some, that setup is the topic of a 3rd training session for another $900.)
The main power in Carlson Survey is the F2F product. If you are not going to take advantage of what that one bit does, you would be better to buy a much cheaper software pack and keep drawing point to point. I really hoep most people do that. What will take them 2 days will take me 5 minutes. Thus my bid will be lower than theirs. My profits will be greater than theirs. That's just Ducky for me!!
Thanks for the tip.. 🙂