Doing a proposal to verifiy square footage of residential condo units. 100 different styles in all including 15 different penthouses down in Miami. Now client is asking if what we are doing will meet BOMA standards. Anyone have a pdf of these? We've done condo docs and sq.ft. verification before with no issues, so i would assume we are measuring the units correctly by measuring the surfaces of the walls and calc'ing the square foot after removing the width of the drywall on the exterior, etc. Just want to see what these standards say.
Try BOMA Multi-Use Residential Standards
There are a number of different BOMA standards depending upon use of the structure.
[sarcasm]Do the people requiring BOMA standard have some relation with the same people that are selling the per use license.[/sarcasm]
Around here, a few years ago, the realtors changed from total house square footage being:
1. the combined inside dimensions of each room to
2. the method of using the outside wall of the structure.
Some actually use the concrete pad which extends past the outside wall in some cases.
In this case, I would charge the client the additional expense for having to pay for each license used.