USGS Publications (historic)
base9geodesy; thanks for your input, but I was told differently.
Before Ed McKay retired he said that NGS no longer does that job and it was turned over to USGS. Maybe I miss-understood him or something. I still could not find anybody at NGS that even knew what a Triangulation Diagram was (you are gone).
If you have a contact person and phone number that would be great. I can get copies made.
Another interesting thing is we have a base line here in Arizona I was interested in.
Sunset West base and Sunset East Base ( I have recovered the base). I asked about a station report. NO LUCK.
It took some explaining on my part to make it clear what a base line is. I have just made a copy of the Triangulation Diagram for Arizona and plan on sending it to NGS and see if I can get the raw invar measurements on the base.
USGS Publications (historic)
I was the geodetic liaison to the Cartographic Section when they were disbanded. I later worked for "Fast Eddie" McKay (a true prince). Your best bet would be to try and contact Simon Monroe ( who is in the Information Center - he might know how to retrieve some GCDs from the archives. As to the baseline, all of that data should be in an archive volume called a GBZ. It would have a specific number and shouldn't be too big a deal to get it from the records center - the problem will be finding anyone at NGS who even knows what this is anymore and how to go about getting the data back. The numbers are listed on what's called "Anderson Cards". If I was still there I could find the archive number in about 5 minutes. It's entirely possible that all of those wonderful reference cards have been trashed since I left.
USGS Publications (historic)
base9geodesy thanks again for the informative information. I have not been back to NGS since they moved to Silver Springs (quite some time).
Base9 what state do you live in?
I will send the map and request to Monroe (who I have talked with before) and see if I can get the info. I need.
Tombstone, AZ.
USGS Publications (historic)
I live in Silver Spring, MD 6.3 miles from the NGS office.
USGS Publications (historic)
> I live in Silver Spring, MD 6.3 miles from the NGS office.
Would that be ~5957.7 Smoots?
USGS Publications (historic)
Dead on as always Loyal 🙂