The station lists 17.33 as the max height above gauge zero at 01:22 hours on 10/30/2012.
Is that accurate?
Did the gauge stop recording at that height due to malfunction?
Did the water height exceed the gauge height?
Link to extreme data;
Link to plot, indicating some "abnormality" in record; The Battery, NY
The nearest NOAA tidal guge that we have here is solar powered also. It is mounted on the top of a bride rail across a river.
Were they expectng a 12' surge? Battery park is so open to the open sea. I wonder what the HWM was on Liberty island.
Water and electronics?
What is the FIRM elevation?
I will assume the 17.33 is on station datum which would translate to 11.26 NAVD. (-6.07),%20NY&type=Datums
I will assume people marked the waterlines on many buildings. Anybody survey any?