Hi, trying to create some cross-section lines from a surface using C3D.
I have taken measurements of an existing road during the topo survey. I have shots for ER/CL, and I have made a separate DWG containing only the edge of roads.
Client wants some cross-section sheets & he wants the edge of roads reflected as part of the cross-section sheets. In the CX sheets he wants to see the 2 ER reflected either as vertical lines or remarks.
Is this possible in C3D? So far I just use the cross-section function for general terrain. The cross-section sheets just contain the terrain information. No details as to ER or gutter etc.
I was planning on encoding this info manually but then thought maybe there was a better & accurate way of getting the ER into the CX sheets.
Anyone wants to tell me where to start?
I haven't used those functions of C3D, but when some of our designers get in I will see what they can offer.
Our designers directed me to one of our in-house manuals. They say that you can substitute ROW for whatever line you need.
Hope this helps
Multiple types of objects can be added to the section views in C3D 2011 (points, solids, blocks, multi-view blocks, 3D polylines, cogo points, feature lines, and survey figures).
ROW lines can be added to the section views if the lines are either 3D Polylines or Feature Lines.
To convert 2D polylines to 3D polylines, click on the Modify Tab then click the Design drop-down arrow. Choose “Convert 2D to 3D Polylines”.
To simply this process, it is best if the ROW line on either side of the corridor is continuous along the sampled area.
To add the ROW line to the section views
1. Under the “Section Views” drop down button, select “Project Objects to Multiple Section Views.”
2. Select one of the sample lines in the sample line group
3. Under Projection Rules, set the percentage to 0%
4. Uncheck all pick boxes except for the ROW object type (3D Polyline or Feature Line)
5. If the ROW lines are draped over the EG surface, set the Elevation Options to Object. If the ROW lines are not draped over the EG surface, set the Elevation Options to Surface and select the EG surface
6. Set the Label Style to ROW
7. Click OK
You can use the project features to sections function.
thank for taking the time to ask your designers. that is a great help for me!:-)
You are quite welcome. Any time I can help get someone answers, I will do my best.