Seeing that the new 2021 standards are out this week I have a question. Can someone point out to me anywhere in the standards that require all utilities in the public street that a property id fronting on?
The Hack
Utilities are a Table A item and not required for an ALTA. They only become necessary when a client asks for them. Thus you could negotiate and agree that the utilities in the street do not need to be shown.
Understood. I mean specifically utilities in the street and not on the described property.
The reason I ask is that I see so many ALTA surveys that have all utilities in the street shown. I don't do that. Am I missing something?
2021 standards:
Observed utilities are now required under Section 5.E.iv in all surveys.
Underground utilities are Table A #11
According to Gary Kent talk last week, you also now need to show all features, within 5ft of the line, and utilities within 10ft of the line, including crossarms on a utility pole.
As good practice, we always show all observed utility info between our property and at the very least the edge of the pavement on an adjacent ROW.