Wow, not bad.
"If you wish to have your parcel surveyed by a competent land surveyor, contact Mobile Land Surveying today."
In my opinion, she ruins a "reasonably good" guide on selecting a surveyor with a poorly worded (or not so poorly worded) last sentence turning it into an overt advertisement for her company.
I liked it. I also took note of the add for a land surveyor on the page.
Land Surveyor
Bowditch & Crandall, Inc. Plot Plans, Boundary Surveys, Condo
I wonder if anyone but a surveyor would get the bowditch and crandrall reference....
Not bad...
...but, Caj doesn't seem to have the best English language skills. Just about every paragraph has some sort of grammar or punctuation error. It would take a decent proof-reader about 10 minutes to mark it up and make it sound a little more professional.
In accordance with Muphry's Law, I'm sure I must have made some errors in this post.
seemed a little discrimantory - there was no mention of shopping around for the best deal...what's a lowballer to do?
Too funny!
"1. Make sure that he is licensed". They even tell you that you should verify the license with the state. So I go to the Alabama board website and this is what I find about Mobile Land Surveying, the company Caj recommends:"Search Results:
No Results". They do not have a COA with that name! Now that is funny!