I have been getting crazy, foreign text in some of my emails that I send from my laptop.
???????????????????????????• ????•?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????†??????????
This is in addition to the text that is supposed to be there.
Any ideas what is causing this?
Thanks in advance,
> Any ideas what is causing this?
it is a known bug called "Microsoft"
One idea I had was maybe your mailer is set to automatically add a signature - perhaps from a file - said sig is set as chinese or korean language, or uses a foreign font.
But I think Peter is probably right 🙂
A Google search netted me two hits that Windows Mail has a "My Stationary" setting. The file that setting points to may have gotten corrupted or virus-hit. Instructions on one site say:
Doc Ray at http://ask-leo.com/comments_002669.php says:
Here some info that I found with this problem: after much troubleshooting, I found in Windows mail my stationary was set to "My Stationary" which apparently had some bad code in it which produced the Chinese characters. In Windows Mail, go to TOOLS-OPTIONS tab, select COMPOSE tab, then try changing, or unchecking the "Mail" "Stationary" tab, click APPLY, and try it. This solved my problem, after which I deleted the My Stationary file by right clicking on it, and choosing delete. Hope this problem is gone for good!
I get some similar stuff at times.
I only have a few language files downloaded from the options available. Not going to download the whole world library.