Hello Community,
We have a Trimble GeoXH 6000 Series with terra sync Software that our wetlands employee uses all the time, and we have been using Pathfinder software to download and get corrections. However our problem we are now running into is when we are upgrading our office computer to windows 10 it seems that path finder is having problems connecting to the CORS network to get the corrections. I was wondering if there is a simple solution to get the information from the handheld to the computer bypassing path finder, or if we need to update our software or the handheld all together.
Thank You
Can you please explain where in the post processing routine you run into problems?
I no longer use our GeoX but I ran into an issue with Windows 7 and Pathfinder where I could see and select the CORS I wanted to use, but it would abort processing.?ÿ I spoke with the technical support at Duncan Parnell and they asked if the little CORS icon, next the CORS I was selecting to use for post processing, was?ÿ red or blue.?ÿ Mine were all red when they should have been blue.?ÿ I had to replace one specific file in the Pathfinder System Folder and all was good.
Sorry, we are using windows 7 not 10 yet, we are looking to upgrade to 10. The CORS symbol on all the selected stations are red. If they ae supposed to be blue how do I get the change as I am not totally familiar with the program.
You will need to call a Trimble dealer. I am not sure if Duncan Parnell will help if you've never done business with them but here in NC they've been great to me.
Its been a few years since I dealt with the issue, but I seem to remember them calling it a location file. You need to update the software to reconnect to the CORS stations, hopefully your dealer can help.
Does the handheld have an advanced networking feature to turn on or off in menu or settings? try turning it off..