I'm new to using TBC. I'm trying to learn how to perform a LS network adjustment for optical and GNSS data. I have an R12i gps system and Topcon MAGNET software for conventional data collection. I don't want to search every possible youtube video out there, so could someone first tell me if TBC will accept MAGNET info? And what file format should it be in? .RAW? Learning a brand new office software is a big task, but I just need to figure out how to do a basic LS adjustment. nothing else. Any help and tips would be appreciated
TBC will take TDS (Nikon) RAW files, and I have successfully imported Carlson-derived .RW5 files. I don't think I've ever seen any Topcon formats specifically mentioned in the documentation. I think it's going to come down to what outputs are available from MAGNET.
If you're up to speed on LS fundamentals and/or have done them in other programs, TBC is pretty easy to learn. If not, I highly recommend reviewing some of their tutorials and especially the Power Hours.
I could be wrong but I helped a friend not long ago and magnet has the ability to export to a .dat for star net format and the old TDS raw format for angles and distance etc. I believe Rover83 is probably a lot more knowledgeable on TBC than I am but I think TBC will take the TDS raw format. Just make sure you do as he said and watch a few tutorials and such they are free. The other is naming. Make sure you get the same point numbers named correctly ??named the same.? I am learning it myself and the reports are straight forward even if you never used TBC but have done LSA before. I have only had issues when naming points that are the same different names or numbers. I am playing with the merge points function but am still uncertain if this even works correctly as this is my first time with this issue of naming. Keep apple and oranges the same as well. What I mean is grid and ground. If you were on ground in magnet you may want to reduce the rtk to ground prior to importing the magnet data. I have not encountered this issue until recently because I kept everything the same with Trimble gnss and robot . I did all the field work or guided the crews in what I wanted now at a new company i am still trying to figure out how best to handle when they are different. Well i have not ran my faithful long hand calcs yet to see if i can take a scale only job and get it to come to grid in TBC project. ?ÿI have no problems at all when all is grid and if project coords need to be on ground. ?ÿSo be cautious on mixing grid and ground. River can probably guide you much better for sure. I have read a lot of his comments and others that have made it very easy. Also get familiar with your project settings. So you can establish your standard errors and confidence level you wish to use. Like DRMS or 95% confidence level etc. centering error measure ups for instrument and targets etc. angles hz and vt. Be realistic as you know this is where your instrument specs and how or your field procedures and care come into play. It will tell you in first adjustment if you weighed realistically in any part by the scaler as long as no major blunder etc. ?ÿGood Luck TBC does this very nicely.?ÿ