Any one get this yet? Tried to buy a copy but my dealer says it might be a while because it's not in the system yet.
I got mine on 6/26. I upgraded to 3.0 at the Carlson Conference last spring so I was eligible for the free upgrade to 4.0. I tried using the automated system on Carlson's website to get my upgrade serial number for version 4 but it wasn't working for me. I called Carlson on the 23rd or 24th and had an email with the upgrade serial number on the 26th.
I've run a couple of small jobs with SurvCE 4 so far and haven't run across any issues yet. I'll post if something blows up.
Edit: Your dealer may not want to put in the effort to call Carlson or may not want to deal with supporting version 4 till it's been out for a bit just in case there are issues. My Topcon dealer always cringes when I load a 0-day update for Topcon or Carlson because of the potential unknown glitches that may exist. I always keep the install files for previous version so I can downgrade if necessary.
You're talking about SurvPC, right? Not SurvCE? I'm looking at making the switch. I can't see investing much of my operating cash on a Windows CE device. I think its' days are numbered.