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SurvCE: Difference between "Store" and "Traverse"

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Posts: 1901
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This question is in regards to this screen in SurvCE:

I've gone through both the manual and tutorial documents and can not determine the precise difference between the two.
While my question is specific to total stations (not GPS), in the GPS section of the manual it states, "you must select 'read', prior to traverse".

I know that you have "D&R" options for each type of shot (Traverse vs. topo etc.), but is that it alone?

Is this how it works?:

Set up on "1", Backlight to "0", then "Store" side/topo shots 2,3,4, then select "5" and press "Read" and then "Traverse"?
Is the purpose of the "Traverse" button, that when you use it, and then "move ahead", it identifies the new BS location as the current occupation.

For the record, I've attempted to discover the differences by trying them all, looking at the records they produce, but I think it's probably more efficient to just ask someone who's been doing it for 15 gazillion years. Thanks in advance.

Posted : 06/04/2015 6:02 am
Posts: 2812

I don't know for sure, but I "believe" that if you shoot a foresight point, and use the traverse option, the data collector will move your instrument setup to the point you shot as a traverse point, and use your current occupy point as the new backsight point.

I have SurvCE on one of my data collectors, but have not had the time to experiment with it. I need to dedicate some time to it.

Posted : 06/04/2015 6:24 am
Posts: 12001

That is what it does in TDS Survey Pro although I never used it, always used Set Collection.

Posted : 06/04/2015 6:27 am
Posts: 2812


I always use Repetition Shots for shooting sets to my traverse points, then "Traverse" ahead.


Posted : 06/04/2015 4:44 pm
Posts: 11

STORE= reading and storing will collector your distance and angle while you continue occupying pt1.
TRAVERSE= reading and traversing will automatically switch your occupy and backsight pt. ( traverse now or traverse later option will pop up when hitting Traverse). Your dc will occupy 5 and bs pt 1.

Posted : 06/04/2015 5:14 pm
Posts: 1901
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> STORE= reading and storing will collector your distance and angle while you continue occupying pt1.
> TRAVERSE= reading and traversing will automatically switch your occupy and backsight pt. ( traverse now or traverse later option will pop up when hitting Traverse). Your dc will occupy 5 and bs pt 1.

Thanks. When it says "now", or "later", what does it mean? If you're breaking down and moving on, what's the difference? If you click "later", What follows? Not sure I've ever gotten that far.

Posted : 06/04/2015 5:25 pm
Posts: 2812

If you hit now, it will assign your occupy point to the new point and your backsight point to the current occupy point.

If you hit the later button, it will keep your setup the same, and you will be able to continue collecting data, staking out, etc., until you hit the traverse button to move to the new traverse point.

Posted : 06/04/2015 5:31 pm
Posts: 1901
Topic starter

> If you hit now, it will assign your occupy point to the new point and your backsight point to the current occupy point.
> If you hit the later button, it will keep your setup the same, and you will be able to continue collecting data, staking out, etc., until you hit the traverse button to move to the new traverse point.
Got it. Thanks.

Posted : 06/04/2015 5:43 pm
Posts: 244

Hello All

With our Leica Robot STORE takes a shot with the instrument servos in follow mode as quickly as possible i say under 300 milli seconds.

READ shot switches the instrument from follow STORE mode to targeting the prism with ATR mode which uses finer pointing at the prism with total increase in measuring time to about 1.5 seconds versus 1/3 second for a STORE shot.

I have our carlson surveyor plus the enter Keyboard key set up as STORE for speed with lower accuracy required shots.
The R icon top right is set up as a READ for a highest accuracy shot for moving ahead control nails in concrete.

So hammer away in STORE and now and then a read on backsight then set control ahead with another READ shot.

So STORE = fast lower accuracy
READ = Slow but best accuracy.

The software seems to be set up for leica robot operation it seems.

The traverse T icon i never use for i shoot a forward control point at any time and to occupy this control point by going to the back sight screen and fill out the screen and zero and stake bachsight to confirm.

The traverse button is worthless and would be better if it was robot search left or right choice with the current prism in use info etc. etc. or make it a user definable hot key etc.

Peter k

Posted : 06/04/2015 6:17 pm