Odd error we discovered. Using Survey Pro in the Ranger to output .raw files.
Partial .raw file:
--.Survey to .Raw conversion version:
OC,OPW247106,N 55426.680836,E 36839.757912,EL9928.947429,--CPCK CPSEA
--BS check W247106 - W247100:ZE91.042921,SD226.484488,HD err= 0.002942, VD err= -0.022834
--BS circle check : angular err= 0.000292
SS,OPW247106,FPW247110,AR0.000356,ZE91.042760,SD226.406698,--CPCK W247100
Notice the huge difference between the Slope Distance in the BS check and the Slope Distance on the sideshot taken on the backsight immediately afterwards.
226.406698 is correct. The BS check shot shows a distance much longer, but computed an HD error of only 0.002942. The SD on the BS check shot in the .survey file on the DC is correct (226.407). The .raw conversion routine is inventing distances that were never actually shot.
Anyone else see this?
We had a similar error using Spectra Survey Pro 5.0. It was a while ago, as we have been updating with every new release. As I remember it, the horizontal errors would be slightly off if we checked off the 2d surveying box when performing the instrument setup. I'm pretty sure it was giving us slope and not horizontal.
We are currently running 5.3 and haven't had any problems with distances.
Spooky how it invents a slope distance between 0.04 and 0.08 LONGER than the true slope dist....
I would try to recreate the problem and present it to Spectra. Keep us informed.Jp
> I would try to recreate the problem and present it to Spectra. Keep us informed.Jp
The answer from Spectra:
"This is actually a known issue with Survey Pro version 5.1 which you are running. It was resolved in the release of version 5.2. The SD in 5.1 for the BS check is actually the raw shot before the prism constant is applied. In 5.2, the prism constant is applied before the note for the BS check is stored. The current version of Survey Pro is 5.3."