I am working on a large drawing, for me anyway, 2+ miles of existing road cross sections.
There are a few stream crossings and I was hoping to detail those at a 1"=10' scale because the drawing is at 40 scale and looks cluttered at those locations.
If I copy the area to a new part of the drawing all the elevations change, the lines that I set at 0 are -4.546', other ones are at -1.9, and the point elevations have changed also.
Two questions:
Can I renumber the points in my copied section to a higher number so that I don't overwrite the existing points? Currently if I click on a point I am told that the drawing view coords differ from the file cords, yeah I know they do.
And...... how can I maintain the "true" elevations when I copy the plan portion? Or Why doe the copy command change elevations?
I would be interested in anyone's ideas for alternative methods to achieve my goal!
The way I handle this is to not copy anything. You can set your detail areas up in a new viewport, and annotate them with layers with a _10Scale suffix. Then freeze the _10scale layers in the 40 scale viewport and freeze the 40 scale layers in the 10scale viewport and voila! Details without doubling the data. This is especially handy if new information is added or changed, the differences are obvious.
I should add that this works best in paper space. But IMO, if you don't use paper space then you're losing A LOT of great functionality in CAD.
Now that's a good solution. I wasn't aware that you could freeze different layers in different views!
(Although I still wonder about the rather random change in the z position of all the features when I copy.)
The only problem that I have in the paper space view is that when I move an elevation in the 20 scale (works better than a 10 scale) it moves in all the views because it's a common feature in all drawings.
I need to create leaders to be able to read the cross section and invert details. And I don't want to have to re-write each elevation when it's already there!
You probably snapped from an elevated feature to "0" when you moved them. Draw a 2D polyline and use both ends as your snaps. But really, the way Carlson works, I wouldn't ever copy points.
Everything that needs to show in the detail blowup needs to be on its own layer. That way you can freeze all layers in your detail VP except for the ones for the detail. You can also select the VP border and set a linetype scaler for the VP, so that each can plot at the same time on the same piece of paper and look correct.
how do you separate the point block information? For instance, I want to show the spot elevations, but make them more legible in the 20 than they are in the 40 scale.
I would like to 'move point with leader' in the 20 scale but not have it move in the 40 scale.
You would need to draw point symbols on your detail layer, and add the spot elevations as text entities on the same layer.
I don't use the Carlson point attributes for anything on a finished document, it ties your hands in quite a few ways.
You can do this quickly with the Carlson "labspot" command. Or 3d Data>Spot elevations
Odd Carlson 2014 question>Thanks PB
Thanks Plumb Bill, I appreciate your time this morning!
> You would need to draw point symbols on your detail layer, and add the spot elevations as text entities on the same layer.
> I don't use the Carlson point attributes for anything on a finished document, it ties your hands in quite a few ways.
Exactly. :good:
Odd Carlson 2014 question>Thanks PB
You're welcome. 🙂
> You probably snapped from an elevated feature to "0" when you moved them.
Sounds like what happened.