I have a MS Word Macro I created in MS Word 2010. I saved it as a macro-enabled file that I continually load on my computer at home. However, when I copy the macro-enabled file and put it on my computer at the office, also running MS Word 2010 it won't recognize the macro even though I have turned on run macro-enabled files without warning.
What am I doing wrong?
I think you have to save the document as a macro-enabled document, with the extension .docm- and then open it as a macro-enabled file ( you might get a security warning in Windows 7/8)
I found the following description online at:
Saving a Document with Macros
Macros are created using Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) code. If you add a macro to a document, you need to save it with a file name extension that ends with an “m”, either Word Macro-Enabled Document (.docm), or Word Macro-Enabled Template (.dotm). If you try to save a document containing a macro with a file name extension that ends with an “x” (such as .docx or .dotx), Word displays an alert message, restricting the operation. These Word file types are designated to be VBA code-free.
Save a Document with Macros
Click the File tab, and then click Save As.
Click the Save in list arrow, and then click the drive or folder where you want to save the file.
Type a document file name.
If necessary, click the Save as type list arrow, and then select the macro format you want:
Word Macro-Enabled Document. A document (.docm) that contains VBA code.
Word Macro-Enabled Template. A template (.dotm) that includes preapproved macros.
Click Save.
I saved it both ways. However, on a different machine with macros enabled, it simply will not load. It own't even appear in the macro list. Really an unusual thing. It lists in the "type" but the macro itself does not appear in the list so it can be selected.
Frank - I think I read somewhere that the macros are actually stored in the normal.dotm file and not actually in the document. Maybe try copying that file from the computer that works to the computer that doesn't.