Is anyone else having problems with Google Earth KML files not working?
Specifically, I like using the NGSCS.kml file that overlays NGS control stations in Google Earth. For the past couple of days, it has not been working. Also FEMAs FEMA_NFHL_v2.4.kmz does not display the LOMAs with their file numbers correctly either.
The Bow Tie Surveyor
I have ge pro and haven't been able to open it at all since Friday. Very annoying.
I heard there were some software upgrade issues. Not seen the problem myself; but, try this linkfor some possible solutions.
Larry P
> Also FEMAs FEMA_NFHL_v2.4.kmz does not display the LOMAs with their file numbers correctly either.
Here is an email from 4/2/2013...
Dear MIP Champions and Black Belts,
The National Flood Hazard Layer (NFHL) Web Map Service (WMS) and Google Earth KMZ issue has been resolved and is now functioning properly. If you have further questions, please contact the FEMA Map Information eXchange (FMIX) at 1-877-FEMA MAP (1-877-336-2627).
Outreach Team
Customer and Data Services (CDS)
Also have the same issue with GE, and even with the newest NFHL and latest GE. Oddly enough, another computer in my office with the same GE and NFHL, has great resolution. This would indicate it could be a glitch/setting on this computer. Has anyone found a fix for this?