Is there anyway to freeze layers in Carson Survey 2009 using wildcards? An example would be freeze *pts to freeze all layers ending with pts.
> Is there anyway to freeze layers in Carson Survey 2009 using wildcards? An example would be freeze *pts to freeze all layers ending with pts.
Yes, but you have to access the Command-line prompt (-layer). Perform the following:
>(Enter to terminate)
If you have uniform layering standards established (such as those suggested by the National CAD Standards), you can also use other wildcards. Examples might include:
>?-NODE-* (anything whose second through fifth characters are "-NODE-")
>V-* (anything whose layer name begins with "V-")
>V-S???-PIPE (anything whose first three characters are "V-S" and whose seventh through eleventh characters are "-PIPE")
Once set, you could use the View -- Layer State commands or the Layer States Manager offered in the CAD engine.
Thanks Ladd, I never thought of starting with a dash.
You can also create a layer filter in the Layer Properties Manager that displays only your *pts layers, and do it that way. Adding the layer filter to your drawing template, so it appears in all new drawings you create, can make it very simple.
''Layers Property Manager'' Pulldown
Open the "Layers Property Manager",
at the top left by "Named layer filters" click on the button with three dots "[...]" and make a new filter.
I just made one named "pnts-all" it selects anything called pnts* and filters out the rest. Then I can on/off, freeze/thaw, current viewport, new viewport, lock/unlock, plot/not plot.
Then I created one named "pnts-on", it selects and turns on all my points.
So then I had to create "pnts-off", it selects and turns off all my points.
The "-layer" typed on the command line gives a few more options. The choices in the "Layers Property Manager" pulldown are the ones most used.
I just accessed an engineering drawing this week to pull out information to create some easement descriptions. Their named layer filter list filled more than a column, top to bottom of screen. But then I have no idea if they had one bazillion or two bazillion layers.
Paul in PA