Among other things, I maintain a reference map (and a database) with hyperlinks to as-built PDF plans.
The reference map is created in AutoCAD 2012 and also is exported as a .dwf so folks without AutoCAD on their machines can still use a viewer to open the ref .dwf and then access the hyperlinks.
I'm having trouble with the way fonts appear in the .dwf.
The first screencap shows a zoomed in detail of the ACAD dwg where street name fonts are entirely legible.
The second screencap is of the same area of the .dwf version. As you can see, the text that was legible in the DWG is now blobby and difficult to read. It appears that the linework is fatter as well,
Anyone have an idea of how to get WYSIWYG from the AutoCAD .dwg to carry over to the exported/ "plotted" DWF6ePlot.pc3? Thanks.
It's probably a case of AutoCad using its own font set for itself, but when you export the other format is looking for your Windows font set. If you don't have the same fonts in both places you get that type of results.
It looks like you have AutoCAD set to not display line widths, then when you plot the line widths are being applied.
Thanks, guys - that'll get me going in the direction I need to investigate.
Problem solved, thanks!!
I tweaked the plot settings (like finding the DWF Virtual Pens.ctb) and added some fonts in the "edit font list" and now my .DWF is all good. 🙂