Is there a way to convert something created in model space to a paper space object?
I accidently created all the abutter/adjoiner information in model space and would rather it be in paper space...
If you are using AutoCAD and have express tools, there is a change space command.
chspace at the command line, with expresss tools.
I am using Carlson stand alone survey, 2008
chspace doesn't work for me,
WBLOCK everything you want in PAPERSPACE into a temporary .DWG, switch to PAPERSPACE, and INSERT that .DWG.
I've got a LiSP file that will do that, if you're interested.
steve and rfb
Steve, that doesn't seem to work for me....I can't find it if i insert in paper space.
RFB, sure, is good for me...
steve and rfb
Sorry 'bout that. We still use AutoCAD Release 14, where it works just fine....
steve and rfb
OK, I sent it to you.
steve and rfb
Carlson stand-alone does not run LISP routines.
You probably can't see the block because you need to scale it down 1/the modelspace viewport's scale.