I can't remember how to draw a curved polyline for a topo breakline. Like along the top of a curb with a 20'+- radius.
Any help appreciated.
3D poly by elevation, then import into breaklines (if my memory serves me correctly, its been a long time since I generated a TIN). Good luck.
Thx. I'll give that a shot.
Forgot to mention I'm running Carlson
Are you drawing by hand, or F2F?
as long as you're not inventing points...
draw>3d polyline>snap to node, enter for elevation>(A) for arc, (S) for second point, enter for elevation>continue as needed.
ed: since you apparently don't have a midpoint- draw>3d polyline>snap to node, enter for elevation>(A) for arc, (L) for radius, enter for elevation>continue as needed.
By hand
Will Carlson use a curved breakline? Most software wants chords.
it'll split the arc into chord segments, i think the default is .1% of arc length.
Since Topo Lines Are At Unit Elevations...
...just figure where the unit elevation is along the curved curb. Do your breakline from field shot to calculated unit elevation on curb to field shot. You are only looking to get topo lines close enough to meet mapping standards.
Paul in PA
Since Topo Lines Are At Unit Elevations...
Flyin solo had it. It worked like a charm. I was even able to do a "sequential" curve through a series of points on a sweeping curve shot at 30' intervals. It made one long "polycurve". The contours look great.
Thanks all.
Since Topo Lines Are At Unit Elevations...
Really digging Carlson for topo, today finished off a 450 acre job shot mainly with a UTV and processed through Carlson 2015. I always hated microstation for drafting, but geopak was where it was at for editing surfaces. Carlson might have me rethinking the rankings- glad it worked out for you.