I have a quick question regarding points in the drawing and the crd file.
I have the option checked in the Configure pulldown to link the points to the crd file.
I usually rotate my points, rough linework, etc. with the Autocad rotate command, and then update the points in the crd file by using the drawing option.
I have noticed lately that the coordinates are the same between the new point and the stored point.
Does having the points linked with the coordinate file automatically update the crd files when I translate and rotate points?
Thanks in advance
Yes. 🙂
I would "align" the points (rotate and translate at once) and then check the box to do the same to the line work, and voila, it's all done, coordinates and line work.
Rotate Points With Carlson Commands
"Translate" and "Rotate" field points to get on a record bearing system, but never do it to have the view fit your paper. For that use "Twist Screen" which keeps you coordinate system intact.
You will notice when you open a rotated bearing system drawing in Carlson it will offer to straighten out the bearing system and then twist the view. Take advantage of that nice built in feature.
Carlson is much more friendly.
Paul in PA
Rotate Points With Carlson Commands
Thanks for all the replies. That is what I thought, just wanted to confirm.
Paul, Thanks for the clarification. I rarely have the need to twist the screen, but you are right, that is a very handy tool. I have on occasion received drawings that had been rotated to fit the paper layout. It really caused some heartache on that particular job.
"I have a quick question regarding points in the drawing and the crd file.
I have the option checked in the Configure pulldown to link the points to the crd file.
I usually rotate my points, rough linework, etc. with the Autocad rotate command, and then update the points in the crd file by using the drawing option.
I have noticed lately that the coordinates are the same between the new point and the stored point.
Does having the points linked with the coordinate file automatically update the crd files when I translate and rotate points?
Thanks in advance"
That pretty much explains the coordinate change right there.
> I would "align" the points (rotate and translate at once) and then check the box to do the same to the line work, and voila, it's all done, coordinates and line work.
I use the align command to make linework fit to field located points. It is a handy tool, but you need to be careful. The align command will rotate and translate, however it also scales. This works nicely on a line which is, say, tan-curve-tan, and the monuments you find don't match by a small amount (0.04'?). The align command does a very nice pro-ration of the line work.
If you're not careful, you could scale a bunch of points rather than just make a simple rotate-translate. Could be a MESS.
I use "move" "rotate" "update coords" directly with the points when I do these. Not better necessarily, just the way I learned it.
You can set it not to scale it. I leave my native and not scale it.
Thanks for the reply. I just wanted to confirm what I was seeing was the same as other's experience.
We see several times that one setting would cause havoc with coordinates.